Meet the Artist during ArtWalk’s Pleasant Street Block Party.


Discover the Magic of Brunswick's Downtown ArtWalk!

We cordially invite you to immerse yourselves in the vibrant tapestry of creativity at the adored Brunswick's Downtown ArtWalk. Prepare to be captivated by the gathering of artists, musicians, entertainers, and artisans, uniting their talents to ignite the streets of Maine with artistic expression.

Remember, the ArtWalks will take place from 4 to 7 p.m., offering you ample time to explore, engage, and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere. Prepare to witness Brunswick's streets come alive with creativity, as art spills beyond the confines of galleries and spills into the very heart of the city.

At this year's ArtWalk's Pleasant Street Block Party, an opportunity to meet the artist behind the captivating yakisugi sculptures, Cinnamon Brûlée. Engage in meaningful conversations and witness firsthand the transformative power of fire art. From captivating paintings to mesmerizing sculptures, every corner holds a surprise waiting to ignite your imagination.

Get ready to be captivated as art transcends the boundaries of galleries and spills into the very soul of the city. Brunswick's streets will come alive with energy, drawing you into an enchanting world where creativity knows no limits. Come, be part of this extraordinary celebration of art and creativity at the ArtWalk's Pleasant Street Block Party. Join us in embracing the essence of artistic expression and the joy it brings to our lives. We look forward to seeing you there!


Blaze with Brûlée at Riverjam Fringe Festival


Portland First Friday